
杨利廷,专任副研究员,2020年获得复旦大学博士学位,2020年至2023年在复旦大学先进材料实验室从事博士后研究,主要从事原位电子显微学、电磁功能材料、能源材料及其微观机制的研究,揭示材料原子结构与宏观性能的构效关系、以第一作者(含共一)在Advanced MaterialsAdvanced Energy Materials, Advanced Functional Materials 等高水平期刊发表论文十余篇,申请国家发明专利12项,已授权4项。




  1. YangL., X. Xiong, G. Liang, Li X., Wang C., You W., Zhao X., Liu X., Che R.*, Atomic Short-Range Order in a Cation-Deficient Perovskite Anode for Fast-Charging and Long-Life Lithium-Ion Batteries Advanced Materials 2022, 34, 2200914. IF:32.086

  2. Yang L., X. Zhu, X. Li, Zhao X., Pei K., You W., Li X., Chen Y., Lin C.*, Che R.*, Conductive Copper Niobate: Superior Li+-Storage Capability and Novel Li+-Transport Mechanism, Advanced Energy Materials 2019, 9, 1902174. IF:29.698

  3. Yang L., Li X., Pei K., You W., Liu X., Xia H., Wang Y.*, Che R.*,Direct View on the Origin of High Li+ Transfer Impedance in All-Solid-State Battery, Advanced Functional Materials 2021, 31, 2103971. IF:19.924

  4. Yang L., Liang G., Cao H., Ma S., Liu X., Chen G., You W., Lin C.*, Che R.*,A New Sodium Calcium Cyclotetravanadate Framework: “Zero-Strain” during Large-Capacity Lithium Intercalation, Advanced Functional Materials2022, 32, 2105026. IF:19.924

  5. Yang L., You W., Zhao X., Guo H., Li X., Zhang J., Wang Y.*, Che R.*, Dynamic Visualization of the Phase Transformation Path in LiFePO4 during Delithiation, Nanoscale2019, 11, 17557. IF:8.307

  6. Liang G.#, Yang L.#, Xiong X., Han Q., Chen G., Lin C.*, Chen Y., Luo L., Liu X., Li Y., Che R.*, Conductive Li3.08Cr0.02Si0.09V0.9O4 Anode Material: Novel “Zero-Strain” Characteristic and Superior Electrochemical Li+ Storage, Advanced Energy Materials2020, 9, 1904267. (共一) IF19.924